Spinning Rainbows at cafe & bar Arasick

As much as planning is a very good thing, sometimes having bouts of spontaneity also makes every experience even more special. We weren’t planning on going to the cafe and bar Arasick, primarily because we didn’t know how to get there, not even if we had the address written down somewhere. I keep saying Arashi was instrumental in opening up a lot of doors to wonderful and unforgettable experiences for me since I became a fan more than 9 years ago. I’m so glad that, nine years on, that still holds true.When my friend and I were drawing up our Osaka itinerary, we stumbled upon several items online about this Arashi-themed cafe somewhere in Osaka. But there aren’t really a lot of info about it, except some sparse details and an address which, if I input on Google Maps, does not yield any result. So it was just one of those “loose” items on the footnote of our Osaka itinerary. If we find it, we find it. If not, no harm done.

Our second evening in Osaka happens to coincide with Arashi’s concert at the Kyocera Dome. It’s common to be walking around the subway stations and see fans toting Arashi bags and various merchandise, wearing Arashi shirts and other paraphernalia. This made us even more hyped about watching their concert a few days later in Nagoya.

We were also slated to meet up with Sheryl and Hazel, two other fan-friends from back home, who also happened to be in Japan because they watched the Arashi con the night before. After an afternoon spent walking around Den Den Town, Peach and I met up with them at the Daimaru Mall in Shinsaibashi. We all went to a small okonomiyaki place and simply hung out, catching up on anything and everything, over glasses of chu-hai and slices of okonomiyaki.

Then, somehow, some way, the subject on the cafe and bar Arasick cropped up. Lightbulb moment right there. They called their friend who lives in Osaka, and we were informed that the said bar is in the Shinsaibashi area! So we paid our tab, gathered our stuff, and started the loooong walk through the alleyways, with Sheryl’s ear seemingly permanently attached to her phone as she’s getting directions.

We stopped for a bit in front of a MatsuKiyo store, and their friend then called up the Bar because, apparently, a reservation has to be made in advance, especially since it’s concert season and the place is expected to be packed. Word came back: they can only accommodate two people.

Dou shiyou~ There were four of us. But no matter, we thought. The two of them could go in, and we would just like to check the place a bit, then leave.

It took another 5-10 minutes “phone-guided” walk through an alley of bars (ignoring slightly inebriated young people hanging around the streets) until I looked up and saw an obscure sign that said “NB Crystal Tower”. That’s the address!!!

So we rushed inside, saw the building directory, and there’s cafe and bar Arasick on the 6th floor!

cafe and bar arasick osaka 01Walk into the door, and you will be welcomed by Jun. Fitting, IMO, since, among the five, he’s the one who’d make the most gracious host. 🙂

And let me just say these are ingenious ways to utilize the advert cutouts for EXILIM Camera. haha!

cafe and bar arasick osaka 03And, right across Jun, on the threshold, is Aiba.

cafe and bar arasick osaka 02But look where Aiba is pointing guests to! XDDD

cafe and bar arasick osaka 05The narrow hall from the door, past the toilet and into the actual cafe&bar, is lined with all sorts of cute stuff, and even collages of each of the members. These baby dolls swathed in feathers, though… there any reason why Jun is the only one without a headpiece? XDD

cafe and bar arasick osaka 04And we’re finally inside!!! We were welcomed by the owner himself (AN ARASHI FANBOY!! Or… fanMAN. Whatev.) and, since the place was not yet full (there were only around 4 customers inside, with only 2 tables occupied), all four of us were allowed to go in, even if the reservation was only for 2. Lucky~!!

By the way, to enter, you must pay 3000 JPY. This already entitles you to drink-all-you-can. If you order their snacks/foods, you’d have to pay separately, but drinks are already covered.

Also, when we were seated, the owner came forward and handed each of us a DVD of Arashi concert and perf compilations. They are complimentary, and according to him, he prepared them himself. 🙂

Ok, so let’s continue with the tour. The place was quite small, giving it a more cozy feel. I think there were only 9 or 10 tables.

cafe and bar arasick osaka 10And there were two flat screen televisions on the walls, showing clips from Arashi concerts. I am guessing this is what’s in the DVD we were given… but I could be wrong because I haven’t watched it yet. (Let me just spazz at the pic above, because I sat there on the bean bag, mesmerized at Ohno’s perf of Take Me Far Away. Haha! This solo never gets old, at least for me.)

So, time to look around… The walls are lined with uchiwa and mini-uchiwa of all the members. It’s fun trying to figure out what year and what con they are from. They are so well-preserved, even the older ones!

cafe and bar arasick osaka 11And look! Even the ceiling is plastered with their posters. 🙂 It’s an Arashi hodgepodge!

cafe and bar arasick osaka 16Can you spot where Ohno is?

cafe and bar arasick osaka 19Of course, being the most quiet and unassuming one, you’d find him in the corner. Haha!

cafe and bar arasick osaka 18We took our seats at the table close to the bar counter and where the sound system is located. And, looming over us, is Nino. I think it is also fitting, because he is close to where the orders (and the payments=MONEY) are made. XDDD

cafe and bar arasick osaka 20The moment we sat down, this young lady, wearing the Digitalian shirt and a black blazer with “I LOVE AIBA” emblazoned at the back, came forward to take our orders. She doesn’t speak English so the conversation was in halting Japanese at best. She handed us the menu and explained how it worked. (“order anything you want, it will cost 3,000JPY).

The ones on the top half are all non-alcoholic drinks. the ones on the bottom half are alcoholic. Since we decided to hang around as long as we can, and we also have another early day of sightseeing the next day, all four of us decided to non-alcoholic drinks.

I don’t honestly remember how they a taste. But I can remember liking GUTS (an apple drink) and Bittersweet. I think there is one drink that I ordered twice, but I cannot remember what it is now.

And yes, the drinks are named after Arashi songs. 🙂

cafe and bar arasick osaka 13I wanted to bring one of these coasters home with me. On hindsight, we should’ve tried asking if we could. Darn.

cafe and bar arasick osaka 14I think each of us had 4-5 tall drinks each. My bladder was close to bursting the whole time. It’s a good thing there’s a loo nearby.

cafe and bar arasick osaka 15By this time, you are probably wondering where Sho is, right? Jun’s at the door, Aiba’s on the walkway, Ohno’s in the corner table, and Nino is standing by the sound system.

Where on earth is Sho??

Follow me.

When you go to the restroom, there are also Arashi-related knick-knacks on the walls and on the sink. There is only one cubicle and….

cafe and bar arasick osaka 06YES. Your eyes do not lie.

Sho’s infamous An-An spread is all over the cubicle!!!

His face is on the toilet seat, and when you hunker down, An-An Sho is on your left, smoldering at you….

cafe and bar arasick osaka 07And he’ll also be right in your face, taking a photo of you while you’re doing your business. Haha!

cafe and bar arasick osaka 08The ceiling is also filled with his face. I was actually laughing while I was inside.

cafe and bar arasick osaka 09About an hour later, close to 10pm, people started coming in. They all came from the concert at the Dome. We were fascinated with the hair of one of the ladies taking the orders. It’s got “SATOSHI” tacked on her hair. We thought they were letters pinned on her hair, but they looked more like spray-painted directly on the strands.

cafe and bar arasick osaka 17Ohno still observing silently as the place became packed. Fortunately, us four “gatecrashers” were not sent out. 🙂

cafe and bar arasick osaka 21This is the view from the doorway, right beside Aiba. According to the website, during the day, at around 11am, the place already opens but operates as a cafe. Then it opens in the evening and switches to a bar.

cafe and bar arasick osaka 24It was fun, fun, fun! When we first entered, there weren’t a lot of people yet so we took pics everywhere (and we weren’t judged for it. Fangirls understand each other, right?)

And, of course, the whole time, we were also watching the concert on the screens.

cafe and bar arasick osaka 22The last two pics above, the guy with us is the owner, come to say bye when we were leaving. He’s not too good at English, too, but we understand one another. Haha!

Thank you, Sheryl and Hazel, and to your friend, for making this happen!!!

cafe and bar arasick osaka 23Goodness, I wish I can give clearer directions, but I was mostly disoriented. I just remember standing by a MatsuKiyo store in an intersection of one of the many shopping streets in Shinsaibashi, then taking a side alley, to the left, and just walking.

Look for NB Crystal Tower. It’s a “narrow” building, and the sign is quite small, but if you’re dedicated enough, you’ll spot it.

Oh, by the way, HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!! Don’t just stick to red color, OK? Play with blue, yellow, purple and green as well *wink wink*


11 thoughts on “Spinning Rainbows at cafe & bar Arasick

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  1. Jeffer !!
    I’m so happy to read you again ^_^
    I don’t know if you remember me from LJ, but I’m happy to have logged in today !
    It’s so good to read you, and thank you for sharing your travel experiences !
    I totally lost my self-control when I discovered where Sho was hiding xD
    It could be a good reason to drink a lot, so you can see him several times… but… well, it could be a bit strange too 😀
    I’m also a big fan of Ohno’s performance of Take me Faraway, even if I curse the director’s choices for the DVD :p
    How are you ? I thought a lot about you during 2014, when I heard about some climatic disaster in the area where you live…
    With many many hugs from France,

      Hey, Ginger! Of course I remember you~!!! Thank you for remembering me even if I took myself off LJ. 🙂 I hope to “see” more of you, haha!
      I actually went back to “Sho” 3x that night. And not on purpose. Oh, ok, maybe A LITTLE BIT on purpose.

      I’m good, good. Going around whenever I could. RL’s been tough so I couldn’t fangirl as much as I want to, but I still try here and there. How ’bout youuuuuuu~ I missed hearing from you guys. Thank you for dropping by here. 🙂

    1. Unfortunately, we were there already at around 8pm, when it was operating as a Bar, not as a Cafe (that’s for lunchtime to mid-afternoon, I think), so I don’t know about their cafe meal menu and prices. Sorry.

  2. Once I’ve went to Osaka but there’s not enough time for fangirl purpose and search this Arasick bar. (Didn’t even thinking to add this place to itinerary) But now I know what place to add to my Osaka itinerary the next time I go there xD

    Looks like fun, I want to tried this place both as a cafe and a bar. Their cafe menu will probably names after Arashi’s songs too.
    So you paid 3000 yen which has included all drink/s, hmm, a bit pricey for my liking but I will tried it anyway xD

    1. As a fangirl, you should definitely try it. We also would’ve wanted to try it as a cafe, but our itinerary was set, and we were leaving for Kyoto the next day, so… maybe next time.

      I agree, I also found it a bit pricey, so you should make sure you are thirsty before going so you can try as many of the drinks as you can (of course this means you’d also be tempted to order some chips and snacks but…. yeah.

      Have fun when you do go there!

  3. Hi there XDD I’m going to Osaka this Nov and planning to visit Arasick Bar but I don’t know how to get there, I just know the address but can’t find the nearest station. Do you know the nearest station to reach Crystal Tower? Is that Kiyobashi one? And should we make a reservation?
    Thank you

    1. Maa~n, haha!
      I wish I could give better directions, too, but, as I mentioned in the post, I was disoriented, and it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, really, so marking directions was not a priority for me. Just… I hope you find it, haha! Be extra observant, I suppose.

      As for the reservation, I think you need to, especially if it’s concert season and the place is sure to be packed. But they were quite lenient and when they saw that there isn’t a crowd yet, they let all four of us in, even if they were only able to accept reservations for two people earlier.

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