Kyoto, Japan 2014: Fushimi Inari Taisha Pt 3

As much as I would like to say that “I am back”, I couldn’t, at least not entirely, since I think I left part of my soul (and heart, I kid you not) in South Korea. 5 and a half days are barely enough to get my fill of SoKor, and I hope to go back to explore more of it. I’ve soooo many stories (and photos!) to share, but I resolve not to do that until I have finished my Japan travel diaries. And this is the last in my three-parter onĀ Fushimi Inari Taisha.
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Kyoto, Japan 2014: Fushimi Inari Taisha Pt 2

I have a love-hate relationship with the month of August. Hate stems from the fact that it is the month where there are soooooo many deadlines. It’s bad enough that my line of work means I have deadlines to deal with on a monthly basis, but August just piles them right on. But I also love it because of a couple of long weekends, which means trips and travels. OH YES. But I’m getting ahead of myself. This post is all about the AH-MAAAAY-ZING Fushimi Inari Taisha, which I’d love to go back to in the future. Take a walk with me?
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Kyoto, Japan 2014: Fushimi Inari Taisha Pt 1

And so we have come to my favorite among the many Kyoto attractions we visited during our short stopover in Japan’s old capital: the Fushimi Inari Taisha (Shrine). I loved it so much that I am devoting more than one post for it. Yes, because it turns out I took so many pictures, and I didn’t want them to go unshared! It’d be such a waste, don’t you agree?
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[JP18] Arashiyama, Kyoto: The Nonomiya Shrine

A visit to Kyoto won’t be complete if you didn’t step foot into a shrine. Or two. And practically all areas of Kyoto have them, so whichever part you choose to go to, you can be sure to pass by at least one. In Arashiyama, it was one of those unexpected things, us stumbling on a small shrine while following the Path of Bamboo, which I talked about in my previous post.

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[JP18] Arashiyama, Kyoto: The Path of Bamboo and Bamboo Forest Trail

One thing that frustrates me about traveling is the time constraint. Especially if I find myself someplace with soooo much to see, but with limited time on my hands to check them all out. Kyoto is one of those places. There’s just so many gems, so one has to be strategic in planning out their itinerary so they can make the most of it. As much as I appreciate being all chill and relaxed with my itinerary, I’m more the type that wants to cram as much as I can in what little time I have in a place. I’m greedy like that.
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